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Monday, October 24, 2011

Healthy Lunch and Snack Ideas

One of my clients asked what things could she pack in lunches that are portable yet healthy going beyond just the basic sandwich, piece of fruit, and chips. There are many health and economic reason’s to take your lunch and own snacks to work, yet being sure you are not getting bored and knowing what to pack can keep you consistently grabbing that bag instead of heading out to grab a bite or to the vending machine.

Nature’s Touch, KIND, or Kashi Granola Bars
String Cheese
TLC crackers  (all varieties)
Yogurt (plain and add your own fruit, honey, maple syrup, or spices)
Raisins, Craisins, or dried apricots
Apple Sauce
Sun Chips French Onion
Vitalicious 100-Calorie VitaBrownie
Low sodium v-8 juice
Things to Bag up or divide in containers Yourself:
Kangaroo Pita chips with Sea salt
Sweet Potato Chips
Sunflower Seeds
Dry Roasted or Plain Almonds, Peanuts, Cashews, Walnuts, ect
Hard Boiled Eggs
Low Fat Cottage Cheese (Organic Valley Low Fat Cottage Cheese)
Yogurt Covered Raisins or Almonds
Vegetables cut up (carrots, Peppers, Cucumbers, Celery, Broccoli, Cauliflower, whole cherry tomatoes, kohlrabi, radishes) 
Salads (put all vegetables in large container and add your dressing and protein right before eating and shake well to coat)

Beyond a sandwich:
Pita bread, Wraps, Arnold Rolls, Lettuce Wraps
Add Hummus, bean sprouts, avocado, or bean spread for variety

If you have a microwave:
Cook meals in bulk and take leftovers to work
Make a big pot of homemade soup
Jolly Time 100-Calorie Mini Bags, Healthy Pop Butter Flavor
Green Giant Vegetable Steamers  (non seasoned or flavored)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Firing Off Your Glutes

When doing squats, lunges, bridges, and deadlifts do you feel your glutes (large muscles of the butt) fire off? If not you might have what is referred to as DBS or dead butt syndrome. Some other common traits of DBS are tight hamstrings and tight hip flexors and the shape of your butt. As Paul Chek, of Paul Chek Institute would say, you are looking for a butt that is heart shape the right way up verses upside down.

Every movement that we do involves the glutes, if not corrected DBS could lead to your body working in unnatural ways. Muscles near by or due to a chain reaction farther away can be strained or injured. For example your lower back is forced to extend your hip and it is injured or due to improper alignment your ankles could be strained.
For exercises to help strengthen the glutes check out:

Monday, October 10, 2011

7 Habits of Highly Successful Exercisers

I revamped Steven Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People to coinside with successful exercisers. If you follow these steps I guarentee that you will reach a healthy level of fitness in no time.

1. Be Proactive
It is your responsibility not only to show up to class or your workout session, but be well fueled and hydrated, have proper shoes and comfortable attire, and be ready to work.

2. Begin with the End in Mind
Set your goals. What do you want to get out of the exercise session or class? Take inventory and remind yourself of the reasons you want to exercise on a regular basis. Place inspirational pictures and motivational sayings where you will see them often. Surround yourself with others who have similar goals in mind.

3. Put First Things First
Is exercise a priority? Be sure that when you are planning out your week you keep the things that are most important to you on the top of your list. Write exercise in your calendar and treat it like any other important meeting. It is a meeting with yourself. If something does come up and you can not attend class ask yourself how you can still be active throughout the week. Be sure to follow through with that action.

4. Think Win-Win
When it is just one of those days that you do not feel very well or your muscles are sore think of how you can still make the most out of the situation. Try going to class and just taking it easy or choosing a form of exercise that will be not as strenuous on your own such as swimming or just walking. Movement usually makes you feel better.

If you are not seeing the results you thought you would stay positive and look at all the little things you have been doing well or the small changes that are taking place.

5. Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
Don’t assume you know exactly what to do in order to achieve your goals or even if your goals are what you should be working towards.  Be a sponge and take in all the resources that are around you. Don’t hesitate to ask questions of other exercisers around you, a friend, or a certified trainer. You will never know if you do not ask!

6. Synergize
Value the differences between you and other individuals in class, around the gym, or outside. Gain their insight into health and wellness. Most of the time they are going through the same things you are. Let them provide you with support and guidance.

7. "Sharpen the Saw"

Take time for yourself in all areas of wellness. Remember that wellness is all encompassing and one aspect affects all others. Stress management, nutrition, and exercise are interrelated and if you are just focusing on one area the other areas will keep you from maximizing your results.